Education for Ministry

Every baptized person is called to ministry. The Education for Ministry (EfM) program provides people with the education to carry out that ministry.

During the Service of Confirmation, we ask God to "Renew in these your servants the covenant you made with them at Baptism. Send them forth in the power of the Spirit to perform the service you set before them."

EfM offers an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service.

Scholarship information

  • Applicants: The Diocese has limited funds to assist those who have financial need. The maximum amount of the diocesan scholarship is $175. You are encouraged to explore funding that might be available through your parish. If you have financial need and would like to apply for a scholarship through our Diocese, please have a conversation with your mentor or Rector/Priest in Charge.
  • Mentors/Rectors/Priests in Charge: Please request a copy of the scholarship application through Karen Warren ( If the scholarship is granted, Mentors collect checks and submit to Sewanee as per the instructions you receive through them.


Testimonials from EfM-ers in our diocese

Julie Mankowsky, elementary school teacher, EfM graduate, St. Francis’, Holden

“Through EfM, I found a disciplined way to study the big picture of the Bible, which often eluded me in lectionary readings. It was such a gift to then find a particular piece of the Bible that fascinated me, and to be able to discuss it with other seekers! And the extraordinary thing was that it was both deep and life-changing work, but truly fun at the same time.”

Kathleen O’Connor, attorney, EfM graduate, St. Francis’, Holden

“The EfM course of study was a challenging and helpful experience. I enjoyed reading entire books of scripture along with the study materials and delving into church history and theology which were new areas of learning for me. The weekly meetings with the group were essential for shared prayer, questioning, listening and learning from one another. The group theological reflections were always fascinating and required strong leaders to guide us through them. My only frustration was not having the time to prepare as much as I would have liked, but once I resolved to just do what I could, I enjoyed the course thoroughly.”

The Rev. Eliot Moss, EfM mentor

“The hook of EfM is the structured study of Scripture, church history, and theology, which of course provides a wonderful base for ministry, but what I, and I think most people, find to be most powerful about it is the spiritual formation that happens when you participate in spiritual reflection and small group worship week after week. You come to see the world with more spiritual eyes, and to discern God’s calling for you, your unique ministry. In my case it turned out to be bi-vocational priesthood, but EfM is not primarily about developing people for ordained ministry – it is about helping them see and live into their particular calling as a baptized child of God and member of the Church.”